Projekt "My Rights, my Voice"

Video rad učenice Nore Magaš iz 4.A razreda, na predmetu Grafički dizajn pod mentorstvom profesorice Jasmine Bukša i uz pomoć učenice Brune Milavić, odabran je za 1. nagradu u kategoriji best video award u dobnoj skupini od 15-17 godina za kulturni projekt o dječjim pravima “My Rights, My Voice”, organizirane od EU Delegation to the Council of Europe zajedno sa Permanent Representations of Andorra i San Marino to the Council of Europe. Više informacija sa njihove službene stranice:

Video project “My Rights, My Voice”


“The red means I love you”

Theme: Digital and information society: children should be safe online, and harness its opportunities provided by digital technologies.


Written script of the video:

Instead of spending time with their daughter, Anna's parents decide to give her a brand new phone to keep her from crying. She starts spending more and more time on it, forgetting how to socially interact.

Unable to make connections in real life, she meets an older stranger online and is happy to finally have her first friend. She ignores everything around her more, even her schoolwork, as they talk every single day. In the end the friend shows his true colors and turns out to be a bully. Her mom finds her crying in her room and they finally reconnect.

Safety is one of the most important things a child should have, both at home and on the internet. Through awareness of the dangers of the internet we can do our best to avoid them. That is why talking to children about these issues is very important.


Nora Magaš